
Lukupood24.eeCatalogAccessoriesDoor closure Geze 2000

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Door closure Geze 2000

Price: 61,00 €

TS 2000 NV – Pinion door closer with variable closing force up to 1,100 mm
With the TS 2000 NV overhead door closer with variable closing force in accordance with DIN EN 1154 in sizes 2 and 4, the closing speed can conveniently be set from the front. The stopper setting is made using the arm.
Product features 
Door closer TS 2000 NV with link arm for doors with up to 1100 mm leaf widths
Closing force, infinitely adjustable EN 2-4
End stop and closing speed can be adjusted
Can be used for right and left swing doors without conversion
For fire and smoke protection doors  (with mounting plate)
Optional extras: Hold-open range 70°-150° (via the hold-open arm)
Optional extras: Hydraulic end stop set from the front and adjustable opening buffer (GEZE TS 2000 NV BC)

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